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Giving to God’s work at St Phil’s

More than anything else, money serves as a barometer of our deepest motivations.

Scripture says everything that we are, and all that we have, has been given to us from God (1 Corinthians 4:7).

In response to God’s generosity towards us, we have the opportunity to offer everything back to God that is His already – in obedience to Christ and in worship of His eternal glory.

Bank transfer

Name: St Philip’s General Account

BSB: 062 136

Account Number:  00800962

Reference: [Optional] Your name or congregation

Giving during a Sunday church service

We take an offertory as part of each Sunday Church service.
The collection is usually taken towards the end of a service, during a song where offertory bags are passed along the aisles.

Online Giving

Through your credit or debit card, make a one-off or recurring donation to the ongoing mnistry of St Phil’s.

Gifts to the ongoing ministry of St Phil’s are not tax deductible. Gifts over $2 the Scripture, Building or Music Funds are tax-deductible.